Paranoia - Ariana Chen.jpg

Hushed Whispers - Jayesh Sharma (and associated artwork)

Hushed Whispers - Jayesh Sharma

I've found myself in a broken land
Traversing among lost structures
Dilapidated, abandoned
Their stories shared
In hushed whispers
Ones I've begun to hear

They've remained still
Stoic, impermeable
Atleast, to those not looking
Assuming strength,
Where none exists
A quiet decay
My enticing fruit;
Dying from within

I have relied on this
A stability I assumed constant
Yet, a weight that can only give
When burdened so heavily
I held up my hand truly
Searching for a solid core
Only for it to pass through

I know not when the debris hit
Falling from above
Erasing naïve ideals
Of blinded support
Bitter tears,
Sweeping away sweeter memories
An unnatural disaster
Yet, one I should've seen coming

I've woken among this
Picking up my pieces
Encountering old ghosts,                                                                                                                       

Or perhaps past selves
Ones who used to lean here
Running at their first weakness                                                                                                                                      

I hold my hand, truly
To each,
Beckoning them to join, once again
To share their stories
In hushed whispers
Ones I've begun to hear

Paranoia - Ariana Chen

The Mermaid - Caitlyn MacMahan